One of my enduring interests lies in the intersection of humans and non-human/beyond-human beings… the intimacy, the bonds, the dependences, the many ways humans engage with non-humans. Particularly, I am fascinated by the relationship between children and animals - how children are intuitively drawn to animals, bugs, birds, even plants, and recognize themselves in the world and beings around them. Children’s books are filled with tales and images reinforcing this relationship: from the earliest ages, kids are encouraged to feel enthusiasm and wonder about insects, farm animals, and animals from all across the planet. A simple walk down the street with your favorite 2-year-old will reveal a world of animals and beings to inspect and wonder about. At the same time, the vast majority of children are also encouraged to eat the standard full range of animal and dairy products without a second thought. I have such a strong memory of the betrayal I felt as a child, understanding that the animals I loved were also the food on my plate.

This series is a product of my own lifelong respect for non-human/beyond-human animal beings… of my commitment to a vegetarian/vegan diet for over 35 years… and of inspiration from many artists who have worked with a combination of image and text in ways that are stirring and probing.
